Wednesday 18 May 2016

UNIT X | Final Line Up

I am so pleased with how our final line up has turned out, i feel we have been so focused as a group that we have been able to sale through the design process. By brainstorming each outfit from garment pieces to fabric choices, this allowed to create a strong diversity through out our collection, distributing our prints throughout the line up allowed a fluidity to be created, that helped tie the pieces together. We tried to create a balance between the everyday generic garments we used and the motocross inspired outfits which i feel we achieved really well.

I think as a group we have worked amazingly well together, all of us had a distinct role in creating the end result and i feel this really shines through, each of us have different working styles and ideas and by continuing collaborating and combing our skills together our end line up has established a unique style. My job for the final line up was to digitally add the prints to the line up and then hand draw over the top, adding in colour and texture.

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