Sunday 11 October 2015

Week 2

For the duration of week 2 I have been experimenting with ways in which i can translate my daily drawings into larger more abstract pieces. At first my translations have been distinctly shape orientated, using an increase in scale to combine form and colour from my daily documentation
(see fig.1). Even though i found these pieces to be successful in the demonstration of my development process, i wanted to continue exploring new ways of expressing the ida of 'the mundane'. It was at this point where i decided to take a little bit of risk and step out of my comfort zone. Drawing on a larger scale in public is something I have always stayed away from, i find it fine sitting there with my little A4 sketchbook but the thought of whipping out the A3 was a bit of daunting thought! While I was sat in the doctors on Tuesday for a pain staking 50 minutes, I decided to take the leap and draw on site, as I thought to myself what is more mundane and
boring then waiting in the doctors, it was a perfect resemblance for my project!

(Fig.1 - Expanding daily documentation work)                 (Fig.2 - On site drawing - Doctors waiting area)

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