Thursday 15 October 2015

Concept & Influences

Week 3 has evolved into a very stressful week!! Its just been one of those weeks where drive goes out the window, everything I tried to focus on ended up resulting in something I hated and I think this was due to the fact that I have been overthinking my ideas.  Due to this slow moving week I decided now would be a good opportunity to re gather my inspirations , new and old, to document the development of my context and visual sources.

I have continued to develop my interest within extracting information and inspiration from my everyday, mundane activities and my research both primary and secondary has evolved into an investigation in to the ways in which the 'everyday' can be affected and altered through the application of abstract thought and media.
(Contextual Inspirations - Gathering ideas from different specialisms) 

At this point I still haven't fully pledged to a context and I feel this is due to the fact that I want to allow my work to decide its direction, instead of picking a context too early and trying to make my work 'fit' to a certain path. So with this in mind I have continued to gather inspiration from all areas of art, fashion, design and photography. I wanted my interest in colour and pattern to be the connecting element of my visual research, with hopes that my context will soon evolve from an interest and extraction from a variety of sources.

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