Sunday 18 October 2015

Week 3

Much of this week has been spent broadening my research and trying to get back on track with my ideas and direction. I knew it wouldn't be long until a workless  uninspiring week came along but now at the end of week 3 , having a bad week has actually been a blessing, as it has allowed me to re connect with what it is that i actually want to achieve with my project.

One of the main areas of development that was brought forward by my group was the introduction of new material, building a personal toolbox that relates to my individual practice, which as mark informed would be a useful tool for further projects as well. We discussed the ways in which i could expand my scale and when i mentioned that I was interested in exploring installation as a context, we began to discuss how i could work within an 'everyday' space i.e uni, offices, work environment, due to the fact that this was where my original visual research evolved from.

Throughout the week i had continued working out of my usual comfort zone by creating some A2 drawings, focusing mainly on composition, trying to discover ways in which i could create a balance between the bright colour i was using and the white space left behind.

 When discussing these pieces in the tutorial we began to discuss materials that i could introduce to not only help me with my planned increase in scale but would also bring new textures and surfaces to my designs. Coloured vinyl was a material that was suggested to me, as this would allow me to create large shapes at a quick pace. Over the weekend I ordered a selection of vinyl samples  to get an idea of colour, variation and also cost...

Vinyl Samples - Inc matte, transparent film & Mirror

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