Sunday 22 November 2015

INTENTIONS | Final Evaluation

I personally feel that Intentios has been a really successful unit, I have had the ability to explore new pathways and push myself to discover new ways of documenting and generating designs. The theme of exploring the everyday evolved from ideas extracted from my summer work, looking to situations I encounter in my everyday life and finding ways to alter or abstract them. Keeping a daily sketchbook has allowed me to gain  a new understanding of documentation and has allowed my project to achieve a solid individuality, due to the fact that my inspirations and developments have risen from my own personal experiences.  Soon my project was achieving a distinct rhythm, I was able to find new inspirations everywhere I went and was able to generate a body of work that was constantly changing, yet had a commonality throughout, which I achieved through my colour palette and repetitive pattern. Achieving my own 'handwriting' has been something i have tried to focus on primarily in this project, I always admire when you can identify an artist purely by their working style and is something I want to continually work upon in the upcoming year.  

I took me a while to commit to a context within this project and i feel this was mainly due to that fact that I wanted my work to decide its own path, I didn't want to immediately decide on a context, for that then to dictate what and how I create. By doing this my project organically evolved around Instalation based work. Working on a large scale has always been a pathway I have found inspiration in, however due to the risks and alterations of practice involved, has always held me back. So I soon decided that Intentions would be a great opportunity to allow myself to create in a new and exciting manner.  As my project was intertwined with my daily life and routine, I wanted to create a cycle with how my work was initially created and where it would eventually reside. With this being the case, I decided to use windows as my canvas, particularly creating designs and visuals within the Art school. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to use the windows within our classroom, so was able to begin experimenting with working on a large scale, particularly investigating materials that would allow me to work within this new way of design, such as vinyl and chalk pens. Although confident with how my skills have progressed i still feel there are many avenues i could explore to further my practice, at the moment one idea which particularly excites me is involving an element of Animation into my designs, something i hope to explore in the next unit.

This project has been such a learning curve for me and has allowed me to highlight new areas of my practice that i am so excited to explore. Even though I am proud of the outcomes of this project, i personally feel i have only just scratched the surface with where i can extend too! I would very much like to take the idea of 'Abstracting The Everyday' into the next unit and undergo a deeper exploration of material as well as large scale work. As this unit draws to a close i have began to extract areas that i would like to look into further, including exploring new ways to represent the expression of movement and everyday life through 2D and 3D form. 

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