Sunday 21 February 2016

LOCATING || Week 1 & 2

Initial Inspirations and Starting Points

When entering this unit, I knew I wanted to involve aspects in which I had developed in my previous project. During intentions I had evolved a unique working style, which involved sourcing my own visual resources from the world around me, followed by working into my images through a variety of techniques. Illustration has always been the fundamentality to my working process, so for this project I have decided to introduce a graphical element to my design, with a focus of using Photoshop to enhance my drawings.

I have gained a sense of contextualisation very quickly within this project, which is quite unusual for me as usually i prefer to gather a body of work before deciding its direction. However, during my research period i have become extremely inspired by fashion and have started to relate all my current ideas to a fashion output. With this new pathway in mind i have decided to aim my attentions towards exploring how i can translate my body graphical responses through a fashion context

Working with the people around me I have started to gather a body of photogrpahs that explore different genders, facial shapes and compositions. By altering the photogrpahs to black and white I have used this idea to achieve a contrasting element between the original photo and the bright colours I use to create my designs. I have tried to create a sense of motion and fluidity in my drawings and so far my responses i feel have been really successful, at this moment in time there are many avenues i can see for progression, including embroidery and digital print.

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