Tuesday 23 February 2016

LOCATING || Final Evaluation

 Locating has been a really exciting unit for me and overall i am proud of what i have achieved. I have allowed myself to explore and push my individual working style, something i took away with me from my last unit. Achieving this uniqueness in my work provides me with an abundance of possibilities and directions and by combining this with the decision to explore a completely new context within fashion, has resulted in a new & exciting way of working.

As part of the Locating unit we have had to run a live brief alongside our own self initiated brief. At first the idea of this was quite daunting and i was skeptical as to how i would balance the two. I had decided quite early what i planned to do for my self initiated and the live brief i chose, Birley Fields, had a very early deadline date, therefore this meant that i had to run my projects simultaneously. Although this was quite time consuming and stressful, looking back i am glad that i chose to split my time evenly from the start, as this meant that when i finished my birley brief i was already well under way with my ideas for my self initiated. Conducting the Birley live brief has been a really helpful and interesting experience, although difficult and nerve racking the presentation was a great learning curve and i feel that having that experience in my second year of uni has provided me with invaluable experience. Looking back i do think i could of been more adventurous with my ideas for the brief, however overall i think we had a really strong and well thought out idea that portrayed well to the panel.

My self initiated brief has allowed me to continue exploring aspects of my practice which i had highlighted in Intentions. I have continued to go back to my roots with my drawing process and have extended this by exploring a digital/graphical output, which i feel has created some really exciting results. This was also the first time i have explored fashion as a context and although worried at first that i may be biting off more than i can chew, I'm so happy i decided to go with my gut feeling for fashion! I have learnt so many news skills and have been able to start re engaging with skills that i had started to leave behind, such as embroidery. Using the ethos multihued machine has defiantly been the highlight of my project and is defiantly a working process i will be taking forward with me. Reviewing my self iniciated brief as a whole there are defiantly things i would alter or improve upon, as this was the first time in a while i had moved back to textile sampling (inappose to installation/3D work) i defiantly think i could of created more samples in my development stages, however i tried hard to ensure that each piece i was working on had an individuality to it, in appose to creating a multitude of samples that where all very similar.

Overall this unit has once again been a great learning curve for me and i have come away with a variety of new skills and interests that i feel will be extremely effective on my future direction. Coming out of the last unit one of my main aims was to continually push myself and my confidence, as in past projects this is what has hindered my progression, my own doubts on my abilities. By believing in my skills and my ideas i feel i have started to push past this and move my practice forward, which is really exciting for me!

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