Monday 21 September 2015

Inspirations Workshop

Today we had the chance to meet up in selected groups, to discuss the work we had produced over the summer. The main area for development that was advised by my group, was my explortation of medium. My summer work has focused primarily on colour and abstract representative, so was advised now that i experiment with different mediums such as collaging, to discover new ways of exploring my chosen theme. The group all agreed that my playful colour palette and bold line work where strong features that i should continue to explore. Coming into the session i was feeling relatively un confident about the work i had produced over the summer and i think this was mainly because the style i had chosen to pursue was very different to how i would usually draw. However, taking on board the comments from peers and taking a step back to look at the work i had produced alowed me to view my makings in a new light. I began to pick up on strengths within my work that sparked new ideas. One positive in particular i began to see was how my drawings  combine dramatised colour and shape with the simplicity of the white left within the drawing. Which at this point made me consider the idea of choosing Complex & Minimal as my overarching theme

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