Friday 23 October 2015

Week 4 Progression...

Now that i have made a decision in regards to my context, i have been able to concentrate on the translation of my drawings. As i would like to develop to the point of creating a window installation, i thought that using acetate would be a good tool to use, as this would allow me to explore the connection between my use of colour, shape and the see through quality of the window.

(Scanned in versions of my acetate designs) 

This weeks group tutorial was a really helpful session, as it allowed us all to pin up our work and  have a more detailed discussion about each others progression. This was the first tutorial we have had were both Marks and Julies groups have mixed, so it was nice to receive a fresh set of opinions on my work. Julie was really on board with my project, which for me was a big positive, as i feel Julie understands my way of working, so was able to advise me with new directions and ideas that where really excited. One of the main focus points i have taken away from this tutorial is the idea of 'looking through the window', letting what i see on the outside effect my designs just as much as my gathered research. I feel this concept has allowed my project to achieve a stronger depth and connection to my everyday theme. My original drawings and design's have evolved from an investigation and continual documentation of my time during the project, but i was forgetting to connect what was happening in the immediate present with what i had extracted in the past.
Group Pin Up Session...

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