Wednesday 21 October 2015

Context | Installation Development

After my tutorial last week i have begun to home in on how i feel my work can now progress through a context. Installation/Gallery based work has been a direction that I regularly find inspiration in,  however due to the risks involved in taking the step to work on such a large scale, has been an element that has, in the past, held me back from exploring this way of making. After positive feedback from Mark and my peers on the exciting prospects of my project developing through the context of installation,  thus has inspired and motivated me to challenge this idea head on and use this project as an opportunity to finally explore the interest i have within large scale work.

Contextual Research has allowed me to gather a variety of possible outcome ideas, as well as introuding me to materials that would allow me to work with a bit more ease on such a large scale. At this point i have decided to concentrate on the idea of using windows as my canvas and by having the availability of using those within the art school, this will tie in perfectly with my idea of abstracting the everyday. Taking a place i interact with on a daily basis and effecting that area with abstract makings, who's ideas, shapes and forms derived from the characteristics of the building and its surroundings originally.

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