Tuesday 23 February 2016

LOCATING || Week 4

I have had a really positive week this week and have had some really strong outcomes from working into my photography research and have also started to work on my fashion illustrations to start giving my designs a context. This weeks pin up session was really helpful and i recived some great feedback in regards to my fashion work, which has been a big confidence boost for me as this is the first time iv done anything like this. I have started by using pre found model images to help curate my illustrations, which has really help me start to get the hang of body compositions and faces, however as the weeks progress i would like to start free handing my ideas to build my confidence.

I plan to continue visualising my work in this way as well as creating some of my  own fashion line ups, i plan to spend the rest of this week thinking about what style of fashion i wish to pursue and start thinking about materials and sampling methods. 


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