Tuesday 23 February 2016

LOCATING || Week 5

This week has been about gathering all my contextual ideas together, to create a series of mood boards that demonstrate my fashion direction and strongest influences. As this was the first time I have focused a project around fashion, i didn't want to give myself anything too difficult in terms of garments, so i decided that working towards an oversized, baggy fit style would be much easier for my level. The oversized sized look also works really well wth the direction of my designs, as my aim is to create statement prints in appose to repeat pattern, the oversized look gives a larger surface area of work on.

My decision to work with neoprene came quite early on in my development, due to the thickness of the material, when sculpted into a garment it creates a very structured yet soft, rounded effect, something i thought would work very well with my illustrations. One thing i didn't realise at first was how difficult neoprene is to actually get a hold of, at a low price anyway. So i need to spend some time this week looking into possible sources, ideally looking to wear i can gather samples in appose to metre long pieces.

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