Tuesday 23 February 2016

LOCATING || Week 6

After our class pin up session this week i came away with some really exciting ideas, it was great to have a tutorial session with julie and her group as it was really helpful to get a fresh set of opinions and ideas on my work.  The session gave me a big confidence boost as it was really nice to hear all the positive comments about my direction and designs, it was also really interesting to see how others in the group where getting on and how different all our ideas where.

This week i also had my first ethos session, which i was really excited about but also extremely nervous! With it being my first session i initially planned to create a few simple motif shapes just so i could get a hang of the design process, however me being me i struggle to do things by halves so decided upon something much bigger and fuller! After collecting ideas from the pin up i began sketching out a new design, i have found it really inspiring working with fashion as my context as it immediately gives me a vision for my designs. As i began planning for my ethos i could already see how the sample would work on a garment and i feel that this is why my first sample  in my opinion was so successful, as it already had a purpose. My focus was towards creating a fully embroidered piece for an ovserzied jumper sleeve detail, so as i had this initial vision it allowed me to think about the over all shape and how the design would work when placed vertically on the arm, which is why i tried to create a balance between curved edges and straight line to coincide with the shoulder and upper arm.

(Psych Eye Sleeve Detail) 

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