Tuesday 23 February 2016

LOCATING || Week 7

This week i have continued to focus on my illustrations,  I have designed a few more lineups that explore oversized fashion and have tried to start free handing my illustrations in appose to tracing them, mainly with the hopes to build my confidence and get better at body composition. Luckily as my designs are very graphic and almost cartoon like the fact the my illustrations have big heads and funny shaped bodies has kind of worked well with my overall style!!

I have also continued sampling and exploring the combination of print and stitch. This week i have taken one of my printed neoprene samples and worked into it using the ethos multihead. I was really excited about this sample as not only did i think the combination of print and stitch would work really well but i had also discovered that when using the multihead on the neoprene it created an interesting effect. As the material is so thick, when the stitch conducts it pulls the material together, which results in the manipulation of the surface adding a 3D effect. So during my design process i initially left areas out in the hopes that the printed neoprene would push through, adding an interesting layer to the piece. Although i am happy with the outcome and my hopes for the design came out as expected, i was unfortunately unhappy with the colour. I had used too much red and black and not enough of my bright pink accent colour, so i felt that when put next to some of my other samples the piece didn't fit as nicely as i had hoped. Despite this i was still really happy with the outcome through and i feel that my confidence with the ethos is growing week by week. 

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